Saturday, September 11, 2021

Accident near Dak Banglow Marallian, Miran Saheb; Car fell down in a Canal: 1 person died, 3 are missing

Today at about 0010 hrs, one car Maruti 800 bearing registation No. JK02AC-7169 of driver Ganesh Kumar S/o Kewal Krishan R/o Bahadurpur Arnia carrying 08 passenger coming from Satwari towards Bahadurpur Arnia when reached at Dak Banglaw Marallian, Miran Sahib, fell down in the canal in which  04  persons namely 1. Ganesh Kumar S/o Kewal Krishan 2. Kanchana W/o Ganesh Kumar 3. Menu Kumari W/o Kamal Kumar 4. Sushant S/o Kamal Kumar are rescued by the police and local people while one lady namely  Surjeet Kumari age 52 years W/o Kewal Krishan R/o Bahadurpur Arnia is died, the body of which is also retrived. 03 persons namely 1. Kewal Krishan S/o Tarmu Ram age 60 years, 2. Paranshi D/o Kamaljeet age 02 months, 3. Manshi D/o Kamaljeet age 2 years are still missing. The water level in the canal is a big hindrance in retrieving three missing persons but the search operation is going on.

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